Saturday, 25 April 2009
Monday, 13 April 2009

about to enter the waterfall...amazing

Since i changed my plan last minute, i just randomly picked a hostel that i´d heard mentioned by someone in rio. I met a swedish girl (another one- i can´t help it, they´re everywhere- scandinavians have such a high cost of living at home, south america´s peanuts for them), Hanna, on the bus across the border to argentina, so we went together. Keeping in mind that in rio, for a tenner a night, u get an 18 bed dorm, with a tiny window and broken airconditioning, that stinks of hostel sex, (yey), this place, was a palacial resort. Inventively called ´Hostel Inn´, it was fuuull of western europeans sunbathing by the, wait for it...POOL! So clean and with it´s own tourist information, inside and outside bars, dance floor cum lounge outside, ping pong tables and dorms as well as cottages, it was riduuunculous.

We played volleyball in the pool, and drank piña coladas on deck chairs. And here, i met lola. The craziest girl from brooklyn, insane really, but intensely likeable and she just doesn´t give a damn about what others think. I imagine she´s pissed off her fair share of the population in her time, but she´s good people and always a good time. Got a world map tattooed on her back. Plays with street kids when she´s wasted, then has a wash in the morning when she´s sober and realises what she did : ) Has a lover in Buenos Aires that she can´t get enough of, and tends bar back in New York. Inexhaustible and a delight and brutally honest. Brutally. I also met the only other indian i´ve encountered on my whole trip so far. Indians as a whole generally don´t do the whole backpacking thing. Even indians brought up abroad like me. I think our parents usually think it´s a GIANT waste of time (not mentioning any names, cough *mum&dad*, ahem.) So this indian i met, he´s from atlanta, and he´s 33. Thirty-three year old Samir, who has worked in investment and consulting and is 33, has told his parents that he has a job volunteering in a hospital in argentina so they won´t worry. He showed me an email his dad sent him;
¨Samir, it has been one whole week and we have not heard from you. Why haven´t you sent us the details of the hospital you are working at yet? We are very worried. Please call us ASAP, so we know you´re OK.
Love, Mum and Dad¨
THIRTY-THREE! Poor Samir...
(and i know you whities were imagining that email in the voice of Apu from the Simpsons, but i forgive you, as he is a beloved character, and frankly, what other reference do you have? )
I met some incredible people at Hostel Inn, (including Max, who got jumped by some guys in buenos aires, and cut his jaw open- it´s that kind of continent unfortunately), and a crazy bunch of belgian and dutch guys. It turned out that they were travelling to Buenos Aires on the same day as me, so we all went together. But first we got drunk on happy hour at the hostel. Obviously. Then we got free wine on the bus. Oh boy. The bus waiter man did not like us by the next morning.

Please note that for this bus journey i took a giant hoard of benelux fellas with me for protection : )
Though not sure they were in any shape to be of any help. Anyway...
On the way out...

the scandies and me, post mugging, wey!
And i swear to god, the next morning our hostel actually did get robbed at gunpoint. Zaza and i missed it by about 2 hours. We came down to the reception, to find everyone rewatching the cctv footage of our tiny hostel owner being bashed about and slammed into a wall, as she refused to fork over the cash. That same week, two other hostels in rio were robbed by guys with guns. It was on the news at home i believe, because some english people were killed...zaza and i had been planning to leave that morning anyway, so we promptly checked out, and headed to aimees... (i have to say, at least 30% of people we met had some kind of mugging story to tell. Especially in Lapa. I heard this guy jamie having ´that´conversation with his mum. He had clearly struggled about telling her, but his girlfriend had persuaded him he had to...
¨no mum, there wasn´t anything i could do about it... yes, they took everything i have...i´m fiiine, honestly... i need some money...can you call the insurance company for, i don´t want to come home, thanks...yes, i´m perfectly you don´t need to fly over here with dad...¨
All too familiar...
Jorgey Porgey!!!

As for him, he couldn´t understand why i was enjoying spending the whole day in his flat while he went to work. I was luxuriating in the solitude and cleanliness, (jorge´s one of the cleanest people i know), since I hadn´t had a room to myself in 7 weeks, nevermind a whole flat, and i hadn´t had a shower barefoot for 7 weeks either. it was heaven! i had been sharing a dorm with 17 other people in a room so hot, we had to get drunk just so we could fall asleep. Ergo, i had days in Sao Paulo of doing nothing except going for a coffee in the neighbourhood. His flat was in a lovely area called Moema, and when i did finally leave his flat to explore the city, i liked it a lot.

Apart from the food, it´s clearly a cool city. Villa Madelena is a boho type area filled with bars and clubs and all sorts of music, and we went to this ridiculously bling bar on top of a hotel that´s shaped like a ship. You have this amazing view of Sao Paulo, yet you´re nestled in the middle of a lot of trees which hide the houses, and the city skyline lies beyond, as though unreachable. One New Yorker i met, compared it to being high up in the middle of central park. Very cool, veeery expensive, and has to be seen.

sky bar @ hotel unique
more photos:
Sunday, 12 April 2009
Goodbye Rio, Hello Paraty!
As for sliding down, i mostly did so on my back and after gingerly testing out a crouching/surfing position, wisely decided that i would rather not die so early on in the trip and was contented with my method. The aussies, what with their surfing and all, had a crack at surfing down the rocks, which all the locals were doing with disgusting ease.
some crazy local surfing down the rock
An aussie girl the previous day had apparently tried it herself, slipped, and cracked her skull on the rock and been rushed to hospital, (such as it is in paraty), but it didn´t stop the aussies from going for it. Roly slid down on his belly and got a cut in his stomach, and seemed completely unperturbed by the persistent bleeding. My kind of guy : )
Creggo, Justin, and Roly
Once we had our fill, bruised, chipped and bleeding, we bussed it back into Paraty, and I got on another bus to Sao Paolo, to see Jorge!