Friday 13 February 2009

The cold and brutal truth...

The famous tiled steps in Lapa

Had a couple of perfect days in Rio. (Aussie accent is drilling into my brain, so much so that a londoner thought i was an aussie...oh dear. ) Feel a bit ashamed, but i did a tour... it was so convenient though, so screw you judgy people! Saw ''Christ the redeemer'' and it was incredibly cloudy up there, was in a cloud again and it was rather atmospheric. Pretty foreboding actually, looked like He was damning us all. I shamelessly sang the YMCA and the two aussie twins i was with, sang stairway to heaven under the escalators leading upto Jesus... hehehe. I was a little underwhelmed though, cos He wasn[t as huge as i thought He[d be (capital letter?) and then realsised that i[m the ridiculous tourist who isn[t impressed by the frickin 30ft statue of Jesus in a frickin cloud on top of frickin Rio...oh well. We saw waterfalls and wierd looking koala monkeys and the amazing Niemeyer Contemporary Art museum in Niteroi...

This guy[s a legend, you should all google him, cos he has basically changed the architecture of the continent...
We also went shopping, yey! Zaza[s always dressed so femininely (word?) and I always feel like a big bushy man, so i acquired some girly dresses, yey. In the interest of full disclosure, i should also say that I went for a bikini wax. Let[s just say that I got more than I bargained for... not as excruciating as i was expecting , but I have seriously never felt more exposed and a little terrified. Think it looks awful (don[t worry, this is NOT the show and tell portion of the blog), but seriously, it looks like that wierd bald cat Rachel had in friends... NOT sexy people, not sex at all...
Met an English guy here who used to work at our last hostel, and is now looking for a new job, because he[s been fired...again. The first time, he got so drunk, he was sick on himself, took off all his clothes and fell asleep in the lobby...fair enough really. The second time, he got wasted (pattern emerging?) and fell on an Israeli girl. Awe.Some. I don[t know how to say this without sounding like a bigot, but there are naturally a LOT of open minded people backpacking around, excited to meet new people and expose themselves to new cultures, and not one of them has anything nice to say about groups of israeli girls. how strange. I don[t honestly have any explanation, but there was a gang of them on our tour and they could speak some spanish and english, but any attempt on our part to engage them in convo, was brutally rebuffed and they stood in the way of everyone[s photos, posing like you[ve never seen. and that[s coming from a hardcore drunk poser (for evidence, u just have to check all the photos from my nights out on facebook...the drunker we get, the sexier we think we are...) It was hilarious actually, there were all these confused tourists trying to get photos of themselves, and suddenly, an israeli girl would launch herself in the middle of the frame and pose for her friend taking a photo from the other direction... anyway, here[s hoping to meet some who totally rubbish the stereotype. I[m all about the case by case basis!
Aaaanyway, apart from touristy stuff, I also caught a movie (Benjamin Button- totally engaging, but ashamed to say spent large part of the movie waiting for Mr. Pitt to get younger and hot... not disappointed, every frame looked like an advert for Raybans, or motorbikes, or watches...and Cate Blanchett is so beautiful it makes you sick. Go watch it!) We also got pedicures- just 3 pounds people! and had yummy frozen yoghurt and got all dressed up and went out to celebrate the fact that we have somewhere to stay for Carnaval...MaiTai[s rock! b(and the bartender was not too shabby either, if you know what i mean. there are soooo many good looking people here, blurgh) And i[v e discovered fresh mango juice. It[s 80p and it[s the most delicious thing on the face of this earth. I[ve been eating it so much, I ran in the pouring rain (yes, it[s been raining- that[ll teach me for moaning about the heat) to get some and the guy in the juice stop didn[t even ask me what i wanted- just started making it for me, cos he knows i[m thaaat addicted. It[s like the freshest mango puree- love. it.
Ok. so a pretty chilled out day today, rocking Lapa again tonight, we can[t get enough of the place, despite all the groping.
Peace out...

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